The Battle Continues: Yahoo Asks Firefox Users to Turn Back After Google Takes the Share
Last week we reported how Google is begging Firefox users to switch from Yahoo to Google as their default search engine. Now, it is Yahoo’s turn to retaliate.
Do you remember the November announcement by Yahoo and Firefox when Firefox made Yahoo its default search engine? Since that announcement, Yahoo has experienced some noticeable positive results. The arrangement actually increased Yahoo’s search engine market share by a relatively large amount.
However, after that, as we reported, Google made an attempt to take its share back from Yahoo!
You could see a very prominent banner for Firefox users asking them to come back. Just like this one.
With its thorough — and somewhat annoying — campaign, Google actually won back many of its lost users.
But since then, Yahoo! has woken up and it is now running a very similar campaign to Google’s.
If you are a Firefox user, and not using Yahoo as your default search engine, you would see a similar message like you can see at the top of the following image.
A similar type of message is being shown in almost all the other Yahoo products, too. As you can see in the following image, a similar message is shown in Yahoo! mail.
From the month of December to January — after the November announcement we mentioned earlier — Yahoo had actually gained 1.2 points. Most of that share came from Google’s market share. However, since Google hit back with their own campaign to win back users, Yahoo has already lost 0.2 of that new share.
You can see that in the following chart (US data only).
With this new campaign by Yahoo, let’s see how much market share they manage to get back.
As a professional blogger or an online business, it can be frustrating to see the battle between two search engines. However, do not fret about it. Just focus on optimising your web content, acquiring high-quality and relevant backlinks, and avoiding black-hat SEO techniques, and you will prosper both on Google and Yahoo.