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How to Nurture and Convert PPC Leads

July 22, 2015 0 comments

We all know that PPC can be an effective method to generate high-quality and targeted leads. However, your job doesn’t end with that.

To be a successful online marketer, you also need to properly nurture and convert those PPC leads into regular, paying customers.

According to recent research, approximately 50% of the leads generated by PPC are qualified, but not ready to buy. It is then up to you to nurture those leads that may lead to successful conversions.

In this post, we discuss a few tips and tricks that you can use to nurture and convert PPC leads.

1. Leveraging Email Marketing

As you just read, approximately 50% PPC leads are qualified but not ready to buy. They need nurturing, and there is no better way or channel to nurture an online lead other than email marketing.

So, the tip is to leverage the email marketing channel for the leads you generate via PPC. Moreover, this is also usually the first step to creating your sales funnel.

The idea is to offer something free to your PPC leads, so you can get them to subscribe to your email list. This free giveaway can be a whitepaper, ebook, report, guide, or a free email course.

Once you have those leads as your email subscribers, you have successfully developed a channel by which you can communicate with and nurture those leads.


2. Have Customised Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great way to convert more leads. However, you can’t have a general landing page for all of your website traffic and expect the best possible results.

PPC leads are somewhat different when you compare them with traffic visitors that come from email marketing, social media websites, or search engines. They search with different keywords and are more focused towards buying a product or service. In comparison, traffic visitors that you get from search engines may be more inclined to find further information and details about your product.

Based on the keywords you are using in your PPC ads, you can actually customise the landing pages to improve the conversion rate.

Having more targeted and audience-specific landing pages gives you a distinct advantage over your competitors who are still using generic landing pages for all types of audiences.


3. Establish Trust and Confidence

The best way to nurture and convert PPC leads is to establish confidence and trust with them.

And how can you do that with someone who hasn’t been a regular reader of your blog? Someone who just clicked on a sponsored ad and landed on your website.

There are a couple of ways of building trust with your PPC leads. For example:

1.Use personalised emails to greet and converse with them.

2. When collecting their email addresses, also collect their first names that you can use in a conversation with your prospective buyers.

3. Start your email with the first name of the recipient to build a personal relationship with him/her — which eventually leads to better trust and more confidence.

4. Share your social media profiles with the PPC leads you collect.

5. Connect with them on social websites, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

6. Sharing testimonials and feedbacks from recognised influencers, customers, and people within your industry can also significantly help.


4. Plan the Sales Funnel

Planning the sale funnel can have a major impact on how many PPC leads you end up successfully converting.

Ideally, you should help your leads move from one buying phase to another. The first phase may be about introducing your products and services. In the second phase, you may compare your products with your competitors’ and highlight the exclusive benefits only your products are currently offering. The last buying stage may be where you make a full-fledged sales pitch, maybe with a limited-time discount offer.

Every business has a different model and may have a different sales funnel. Whatever it is, make sure you plan it accordingly and help your leads move with it.


5. Let Them Know You and Your Business

Once they have clicked on your ad and landed on your website, you have started building a relationship with them beyond the PPC model. It is important to do that, otherwise you will be always “just another business” for your target audience.

The idea is to let them know you and your business. This human connection — beyond the PPC model — is crucial to your success.

For instance, Pat Flynn did exactly that. It’s personal branding at its best.

Pat Flynn is doing some incredible philanthropic work. And he used his blog platform to connect with his readers and fans. This is lead nurturing at its best — by creating trust, confidence, and a more personal relationship with your prospective buyers.

Let Them Know You and Your Business
