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How to Increase Engagement with Your Facebook Fans

August 5, 2014 0 comments

How to Increase Engagement with Your Facebook FansDo you know that Facebook has over 1.5 billion users worldwide?

Moreover, approximately 2.5 million websites are integrated with Facebook. This signifies the importance of Facebook, not only as a social media platform but also as an important portal for lead-nurturing and lead-generation.

There are so many things that you can achieve via Facebook, but that all starts with a very simple question …

How many users are interacting and engaging with your Facebook posts?

You may have thousands of “likes”, but that does not matter much if your Facebook fans are not regularly interacting with your content. Your aim should be to attract them with your posts, encourage them to participate – like, comment and share your posts – and ultimately, increase your list of paying customers.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few amazing ways to increase engagement and interaction with your Facebook fans.


Posting Frequency … Less is More!

One of the simplest ways to increase Facebook engagement is to formulate a posting frequency.

With Facebook, less is more.

Statistics reveal that businesses that publish 1 post per day get 19% higher interaction than businesses that publish 3 Facebook posts per day. Ideally, you should be posting every other day.

Apart from that, more frequent posts may lead to repetitiveness. Stay away from that. A recent social media study revealed that approximately 52% Facebook users stopped following businesses that had become too repetitive.


Use Images to Boost Interaction

make sure always to use an imageText-based posts are good for encouraging conversations, but you also need to keep it interesting.

According to a research, image-based posts increase user-interaction by 39%. Furthermore, these posts are more likely to be shared by your Facebook fans. So, it is recommended to share image-based posts every now and then.

Ask Questions

It’s good to share information with your Facebook fans, but it’s often better to ask questions. As you can guess, questions directly increase interaction, engagement and comments.

A recent social media study concluded that questions – when compared to other type of text-based posts – can generate 100% more comments.


Using Quotes

Too many questions can’t be good, right?

Don’t worry. You can always post quotes to significantly increase interaction from your Facebook fans. On average, quotes get 26% more likes and 19% more shares than other text-based posts.

The idea, however, is to not overdo it and keep the quotes infrequent, rare and in context with your business.
use quotes


Post Like a Tweet!

Unlike Twitter, Facebook doesn’t limit you with 160 characters per post. However, our advice is to keep those posts under 80 characters.

It might be a bit difficult to be this concise and comprehensive, but posts with 80 characters or less get 23% more interaction on Facebook. That’s a huge bonus!


Add Powerful Calls-to-Action

Even a simple call-to-action will do. Seriously.

Just make sure your Facebook post has at least one simple, direct and easy-to-understand call-to-action.

For instance, if you specifically ask your fans to “share” a particular post, it is 70% more likely to be shared.



According to a 2012 survey, B2B companies have successfully acquired 77% new customers from Facebook. On the other hand, B2C businesses have successfully acquired 43% new customers.

This shows that Facebook have immense potential for lead-generation. However, it all depends on how much interaction, engagement and buzz you’re generating. By using the above-mentioned techniques, you can instantly see a distinct improvement.

Anyway, which techniques do you use for increasing interaction and engagement with your Facebook fans?

By  @hamit
