Google My Business mobile app has been shut down
Last year in November, Google announced that it would retire the Google My Business app in 2022. At that time, Google also rebranded from Google My Business to Google Business Profile.
Well, now is the time.
Google has officially pulled the plug on the Google My Business mobile app, and it is now no longer functioning.
The Google My Business mobile app was available for Android and iOS mobile devices. It allowed business owners and managers to see various insights and metrics and communicate with customers
The Google My Business mobile app was available for Android and iOS mobile devices. It allowed business owners and managers to see various insights and metrics and communicate with customers.
The Google My Business mobile app was available for Android and iOS mobile devices. It allowed business owners and managers to see various insights and metrics and communicate with customers.
What’s next?
Google now expects local business owners to use the Google Maps app or Google Search for managing their businesses.
Make sure that you have the latest version of the Google Maps app installed on your mobile device and are logged in with your Business Profile. That’d allow you to receive notifications directly from the app.
This news would not come as a surprise for many business owners because Google had announced that this was coming. In addition to the original announcement, Google also emailed businesses earlier this week, reminding them to replace the now defunct Google My Business app with the Google Maps or Search mobile app for their local business management.
Here are the contents of the email:
“Beginning July 2022, the Google My Business mobile app will no longer be available, and the Google Maps app will be the best place for replying to customer messages on mobile. Turn on your notifications to ensure you’re notified by email and Google Maps push notifications for new incoming messages. You can also respond to messages from your Business Profile on Google Search.”
What to do?
If you have been using the Google My Business app to communicate with customers, view insights, and manage your business listing, you need to switch to Google Maps or Search.
There may be a very small learning curve, so it’s best to get started as soon as possible.