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Google announces June 2024 spam update

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a constant dance between providing valuable content to users and adhering to the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines like Google. On June 20th, 2024, Google announced the rollout of its June 202...

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June 26, 2024 0 comments

The great H1 vs. Title tag debate: Does Google even care?

Title tag optimisation has been a hot topic among SEO professionals for years, particularly regarding the importance of matching a web page’s H1 tag with its title tag. In the age of relentless keyword stuffing, it seemed like a no...

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June 17, 2024 0 comments

Google warns: Fact-check AI-generated content before publishing

The increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence have sparked a content creation revolution. AI-powered tools can analyze data, generate online content, and even translate languages – all at lightning speed. This has led many to be...

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May 30, 2024 0 comments

Understanding Google’s New Guidelines on Website Ranking Drops

Google recently updated its guidelines on diagnosing and managing website ranking drops, providing a deeper insight into the potential causes of traffic decreases and offering advice on recovery strategies. This update is crucial for web...

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May 7, 2024 0 comments