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4 Tips to Drive More Traffic from LinkedIn

July 29, 2015 0 comments

When you think of driving traffic from social media websites, Facebook and Twitter are often the first names that pop up.

But remember that Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only websites you can leverage for social media traffic.

LinkedIn, if used correctly, can be a source of a substantial amount of traffic for your website.

Unlike some of the other social networking websites, LinkedIn is particularly famous for driving highly targeted traffic that actually means something to your business.

Furthermore, when compared with websites such as Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn has the best lead generation rate.


Tips to Drive More Traffic from LinkedIn


Besides that, LinkedIn has more than 277 million members worldwide with a monthly traffic of more than 187 million. It would not be a very wise decision to completely ignore this wonderful platform.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss a few tips and tricks by which you can drive more traffic from LinkedIn to your own website.

So, let’s get started.


1. LinkedIn Pulse

LinkedIn Pulse is a content publishing platform. LinkedIn acquired Pulse in 2013 for $90 million, and now it is pretty much alive, up, and running.

Pulse was first introduced as a mere content publishing platform, but now it features articles from anyone who posts on LinkedIn. This gives you a wonderful opportunity to get your content in front of a huge group of target audience. However, Pulse only picks articles that are gaining traction. So, not all of your articles will get picked by Pulse just because you have published them on LinkedIn.

Andrew Hutchinson analysed 20 posts and came up with a wonderful case-study of what works and what doesn’t. Moreover, he also achieved a 2% conversion rate on one his first published articles.

Click here to read more about his case-study and learn how you can use LinkedIn Pulse to not only drive target traffic but also convert them into email subscribers.


2. Use LinkedIn Groups

It does not matter which niche do you belong to, there is a LinkedIn group for almost all of them. The key is to find the right kind of groups where your target audience hangs out. Furthermore, you will also have to identify groups where moderators are active and don’t tolerate spams.

The problem with most groups is that not everybody engages with other people. They only end up sharing their contents — making it look like a group for spammers.

Shortlist the LinkedIn groups based on the average engagement rate each post guests.

As I mentioned earlier, LinkedIn is a powerful community of like-minded people. You can rest assured that, in a good LinkedIn group, at least a couple of dozen people read each and every post. Moreover, they also like it, engage with it, and share it among their communities and on their own social networks.

This is one of the best ways to use LinkedIn, extend your reach, grow your audience, and drive traffic to your website.


3. Curate and Share High-Quality Content

One of the things that you will have to do is to set yourself apart from spammers.

Ask yourself: What do spammers do? They only share their own content. Spammers don’t have a goal to contribute to a group or to help its members. Their only goal is to drive some traffic back to your website.

You shouldn’t be doing that.

The tip is to actively contribute to those groups, solve their members’ problems, and engage with what they have to share. Furthermore, you will also need to curate high-quality content across the web from blogs other than yours and share it with the members of those groups.

The 80/20 rule is a good rule to follow here. For every 1 link of your own content, you should share 4 pieces of news and blog posts from other blogs and bloggers.

This technique, although requires a little more work and research, will set you apart from spammers and help you driving more targeted and nurtured traffic to your website.


4. Publish Consistently

According to LinkedIn, you should publish 20 posts per month to reach at least 60% of your target audience.

Just as it is with any blog, consistency is the key here.

LinkedIn has published a very comprehensive guide, detailing what you have to do in this regard. Here is the link for you.

The Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn
